If you missed out on our new mixtape last night you can download it below. It features the Darren Hayman’s duet with Emmy the Great, up-and-comers Tracey’s Love, an exploration in surf pop with The Specific Heats and Best Coast, and a dreamy finale from The Radio Dept.

1. Darren Hayman & the Secondary Modern – Calling Out Your Name Again
2. Math and Physics Club – Jimmy Had a Polaroid
3. Red Shoe Diaries – Underage Disco
4. Tracey’s Love – The Girl with Amsterdam Eyes
5. Shrag – Ghosts Before Breakfast
6. The Specific Heats – Baby, I’m an Existentialist
7. Best Coast – Boyfriend
8. The Humms – Leave That Boy Alone
9. The Depreciation Guild – Dream About Me
10. The Radio Dept. – You Stopped Making Sense

It clocks in at just over 30 mins so check it out and feel free to get in touch with your thoughts. Click here to download. Enjoy!